Wednesday, July 31, 2019
English vs. Mother tongue as a medium of instruction Essay
I. Introduction Background of the Study Before we discuss the so-called Gullas bill or the proposed act strengthening and enhancing the use of English as a medium of instruction, let’s get a backgrounder on the state of education in the Philippines. For every 100 children that start grade one in our country, only 65 will reach Grade 6, the others having dropped out along the way (with 18 of the dropouts occurring between Grade 1 and Grade 2). What this means is that even before these children are 12 years old, more than one third of them are essentially condemned to poverty. That is not all. The net enrollment ratios have been steadily decreasing between 2003 and 2007, and for the Philippines, that has gone down from 90.3% to 83.2%. The quality of that education is abysmal. Only 26% or a little over  ¼ of 6th graders have a mastery of English, where mastery is defined as obtaining a score of 75% or higher in English, 31% of those students have a mastery of Math and 15% have a mastery of Science. And if that is abysmal, that means the quality of high school education has to be the pits because only 7% of them have mastery in English. 16% have mastery in Math†¦ 2% have mastery in Science. Even college does not help: only 2 to 7% of college graduates who apply for positions in BPOs show English mastery, and even then, they have to undergo another three months of training to increase their competence. This is where the Gullas bill comes in. The rationale of that bill is that if we want to have greater competence in English, and be in a position to take advantage, or compete in a globalized world, English must be used as the medium of instruction from Grade 3 onwards. Now everyone will agree that we need greater competence in English to be competitive in a globalized world. But educators or those who have done education research will disagree that using English as the medium of instruction will accomplish that goal. As a matter of fact, they point out that research findings are unequivocal, that to achieve greater mastery in English or Filipino, the most effective medium of instruction is in the child’s mother tongue that is her first language or the language spoken at home. Studies in country after country bear this out. Teaching in an official school language that is not the mother tongue is a major barrier in the child’s learning. In the Philippines, the experiment was conducted in Kalinga, where teachers use Kalinga to teach children from Grades 1 to 3 to read and write. It is also the medium of instruction for teaching other subjects, including Filipino and English. Out of the 10 districts in the Kalinga division, the Lubuagan district topped the 2006 national achievement test Grade 3 reading test for both English and Filipino, with mean scores of 76.55% and 76.45 respectively, which indicates mastery. The Tinglayan district came in a far second, registered only 63.89% and 53.58%. The Gullas bill has very good intentions. But, as they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Statement of the Problem 1. Between the two medium of instruction, which is effective? 2. Do you agree that English is effective as a medium of instruction? 3. Do you believe that English is a barrier in child’s learning? Significance of the Study Our study determines whether the English or the mother tongue is the effective medium of instruction, to determine the affectivity of English as medium of instruction and give justice to the belief of English as a barrier in child’s earning. Scope and Limitations This particular study focuses on the topic â€Å"English versus mother tongue as a medium of instruction. This study will also explore the issue of whether the English or mother tongue is an effective medium of instruction Operational Definition of Terms English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now a global lingua franca. Gullas Bill is the proposed act strengthening and enhancing the use of English as a medium of instruction, let’s get a backgrounder on the state of education in the Philippines. Medium of Instruction is the language used by the teacher to teach. Teaching the language, or educational content, through the target language increases the amount of exposure the learner gets to it, and the opportunities they have to communicate in it, and therefore to develop their control of it. Mother tongue one’s native language; the language learned by children and passed from one generation to the next II. Methodology A. Sampling Who are your respondents? Students who are English majors Elementary students who already undergone mother tongue subjects
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The Measurement of Student Engagement
While there is limited research on engagement in adult literacy contexts across researchers, the literature shows a vast number of researchers have studied student engagement. The definitions and descriptions of student engagement are broad and range from engagement as ‘participation' in school as a social system (Finn, 1989; Newmann, 1981; Newmann, Wehlage, & Lamborn, 1992), to the concept that engagement is a cognitive function used during certain academic tasks (Corno & Mandinach, 1983; Helme & Clark, 2001; Pintrich & De Groot, 1990). More recently, student engagement has been built around the optimistic goal of developing students' abilities to ‘learn how to learn' or to become lifelong learners in a knowledge-based society (Gilbert, 2007, p. 1). Therefore, it is clear there is no ‘one' universal agreement among researchers as to what a definition of student engagement might be. Researchers have instead explained different forms of engagement and how they work for different students under different conditions (Kuh, 2009).For example, Kuh (2009) defines student engagement as â€Å"the time and effort students devote to activities that are empirically linked to desired outcomes of college and what institutions do to induce students to participate in these activities†(p. 683). Coates (2007) describes engagement as a â€Å"broad construct intended to encompass salient academic as well as certain non-academic aspects of the student experience†(p. 22), comprising: Active and collaborative learning; participation in challenging academic activities; formative communication with academic staff; involvement in enriching educational experiences; and feeling legitimated and supported by university learning communities. Hu and Kuh (2001) define engagement as â€Å"the quality of effort students themselves devote to educationally purposeful activities that contribute directly to desired outcomes†(p. 3). Comparably, Harper and Quaye, (2008) suggest engagement is more than involvement or participation and requires feelings, sense-making, and activity  as acting without feeling engaged is merely involvement or ‘compliance' and feeling engaged without acting is ‘dissociation'. Glanville and Wildhagen (2007) acknowledge there is a debate over the recognition of engagement being a single or multi-dimensional concept state. These authors conclude that â€Å"engagement should be measured as a multidimensional concept†(p. 1019) that is divided into behavioural and psychological segments. In recognising this ‘multi-dimensional' concept, Fredricks et al. (2004) drawing on Bloom (1956), identify three dimensions of student engagement that can be synthesised to gain a deeper and more meaningful grasp on student engagement: Cognitive, emotional, and behavioural.In looking at these categories, in turn, cognitive engagement includes two components; psychological and cognitive. The psychological component emphasises students' investment in learning, motivation to learn and self-regulated learning as it relates to thoughtfulness and a willingness to put in the effort to comprehend complex ideas and to master difficult skills (Blumenfeld, Kempler, & Krajcik, 2006). The cognitive component involves self-regulated learning, meta-cognition, application of learning strategies, and being strategic in thinking and studying. Cognitively engaged students invest in their learning, seek to go beyond the requirements and enjoy being challenged (Fredricks et al., 2004). In the adult literacy context, examples of cognitive engagement might include: The effort in understanding course material; completing assignments; critically analysing information; applying concepts to real-world examples; and deepening insights through research and interaction (Harper & Quaye, 2008). Emotional engagement comprises students' attitudes, interests, and values – mostly in relation to positive or negative interactions with faculty, staff, students, academics, or the institution. Students who engage emotionally experience affective reactions such as interest, excitement and enjoyment, or a sense of belonging (Fredricks et al., 2004). Emotional engagement also refers to a student's reactions to others, connections with the school community, and how students feel about their educational experience (O'Donnell, Reeve, ; Smith, 2011).Behavioural engagement involves complying with behavioural norms such as attendance, involvement and participation, student behaviours related to concentration, attention, persistence, effort, asking questions, and contributing to class discussions (Fredricks et al., 2004; Hattie ; Anderman, 2013). These students are typically not disruptive, nor do they demonstrate negative behaviour (Fredricks et al., 2004). In adult literacy, examples of behavioural engagement may include respecting others, listening to instructors and peers, engaging in discussions, and participating in group work or teams (Harper ; Quaye, 2008).Fredricks et al., (2004) explain that each of these three dimensions can have a ‘positive' and a ‘negative' pole, each one representing a form of engagement – with the two extremities separated by a space of non-engagement, demonstrated by withdrawal, or apathy. This means that students can engage either positively or negatively along one or more of the dimensions or engage positively or negatively along one or more dimension while not engaging along another or ‘others' (Fredricks et al., 2004).
Herbal Medicine: Echinacea and Kava Essay
The use of herbal medicine and remedies as opposed to traditional prescription medications is becoming increasingly popular among doctors, therapists, and patients. Many herbs, whether administered in the form of tea, capsules, or simply eaten, have been proven to ease various pains and ailments; and when taken on a daily basis, there are herbs that help maintain overall health and wellbeing (Meuninck, 2008, p. 4). Studies have shown that two herbs in particular, Echinacea and kava, have been effective in treating a series of symptoms including anxiety and depression, headaches, and fibromyalgia (Mindell & Hopkins, 2009, p. 219). The use of these herbs benefits doctors and patients alike, as they offer an alternative treatment to symptoms that many people experience on a regular basis. Echinacea can be commonly found in beauty products, diet supplements, and herbal teas. Due to its ability to balance and maintain the immune system, some people take Echinacea in one form or another every day (Watson & Preedy, 2008, p. 687). This herb, in fact, is among the most popular and widely used dietary supplements in the United States, with people taking Echinacea or a type of derivative from the plant. According to the Southern Medical Journal, Echinacea today is used mostly to treat and prevent upper respiratory tract infection, or URI, which includes the influenza and the common coldâ€â€illnesses that account for 40% of the time that Americans lose from work and 30% of the time they call in sick from school (Islam & Carter, 2005, p. 311). It is evident that this particular herb can be used for the treatment of a specific temporary ailment as well as in a preventative manner. As soon as a person feels as if they have a cold coming on, they are advised to begin taking the herb orally in order to combat the spread and onset of the cold or flu virus. Echinacea has scientifically been proven to possess many anti-inflammatory properties, which explains its effectiveness at fighting respiratory problems (Zili et al. , 2007, p. 232). This herb, however, is not only beneficial in terms of warding off common cold symptoms. It has also been able to ease pain and discomfort associated with other diseases as well. First, it is crucial to understand that Echinacea can be an extremely powerful herb that may be used to fight different forms of bacteria, which is why it is used so often when a person has a cold or flu virus. A Canadian study observed six Echinacea extracts that are currently sold commercially, and the effect that those extracts had on 15 human pathogenic bacteria as well as two pathogenic fungi. Five bacteria were especially sensitive to the Echinacea extractsâ€â€Streptococcus pyogenes, Legionella pneumophila, Haemophilus influenzae, Propionibacterium acne, and Clostridium difficileâ€â€which indicated that the herb did have a significant effect in fighting certain forms of bacteria, such as that which causes strep throat (Sharma et al. , 2008, p. 111). Many factors were taken into consideration, such as the effect of light on the bacteria and fungi, as well as the forms and preparations of the different extracts; and this greatly reduced any assumptions made. This study was quite thorough, although it was limited by the number of extracts, bacteria, and fungi that they were able to test. With the samples they did test, however, they were able to conclude that â€Å"†¦certain preparations of Echinacea†¦ could provide useful protection or symptom alleviation in cases of pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and various cutaneous lesions, including acne vulgaris, [and] wound infections†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Sharma et al. , 2008, p. 115). Another study outlined in the Journal of Women’s Health also conducted a survey to determine how many women with fibromyalgia turned to herbal treatment as opposed to other forms of medicine. The assumptions were that women were taking herbs because they worked, and not because they were left with no other alternativeâ€â€that is, fibromyalgia is quite complicated and there are very few medications that can alleviate the pain. The test subjects therefore could have been turning to herbs like Echinacea as a last resort as opposed to taking the herb because it actually helped with their discomfort. Additionally, the limitations of this study are that the group of subjects was not randomly selected, and the results were entirely self-reported. At the end of the study, it was concluded that women with Fibromyalgia were likely to take herbal supplements and use herbal remedies in order to treat the several symptoms associated with their condition (Shaver et al. , 2009, p. 716). This shows Echinacea’s applicability to a wide range of illnesses and symptoms, and how it can be used by naturopaths and other doctors in the treatment of their patients as opposed to over-the-counter medications. Unlike Echinacea, kava is an herb that has received mixed reviews in terms of the safety of its use. Kava is an anxiolytic drug that has been used for hundreds of years by people in the Pacific Islands, yet it is currently banned in the United Kingdom (Ernst, 2007, p. 415). When used in large quantities, it has been shown to have toxic effect on one’s liver; but when administered in safe doses, there are many people who swear by its healing benefits. The Pacific Islanders have been known to use kava as a sedative, a hypnotic, and aphrodisiac, an antiseptic, and a diuretic. Kava has also been popular in Germany, where people use various kava products for the treatment of anxiety, restlessness, and abdominal discomfort (Richardson & Henderson, 2007, p. 418). One of the greatest benefits of kava use, however, is for the treatment of anxiety and depressionâ€â€especially since those disorders, while mental, can result in serious physical symptoms. An Australian study sought to determine the mental effects of kava by studying a random group of 28 adults suffering from major depressive disorder and anxiety. Assumptions included the test group not taking additional anti-depressants on the side, and that the small dose of kava would be enough to take effect. This study was also limited by the mix of kava with St. John’s Wort (Sarris et al. , 2009, p. 41). Rather than it being administered in a pure form, it was more of an herbal cocktail. Both, a placebo and a kava supplement were administered for four weeks each. At the end of the study, the majority of those in the study group reported having a reduced feeling of depression after taking the kava rather than the placebo. Although they did not report their quality of life or level of anxiety as being significantly improved, it is clear that their overall state of depression was affected by the kava. Regardless of the fact that some professionals believe kava to be dangerous and toxic, its long history in Pacific Island culture far outweighs its risks (Sarris & Kavanagh, 2009, p. 828). Kava has been one of the ways in which many islanders have been able to maintain mental and emotional balance and fight depression without the use of anti-depressants, which are typically linked to dangerous side effects. Consider some of the physical symptoms of depression and anxietyâ€â€migraines, muscle tension, and widespread aches and pains. With kava’s abilities to aid in one’s state of depression, people can benefit from the plant’s positive effects on pain in general. So long as it is administered in proper doses, as they do in the Pacific Islands, kava provides people with another option to treat depression and any other symptoms that may be caused by tension or emotional imbalance. Although herbs alone cannot cure all forms of disease or discomfort, these studies illustrates how Echinacea and kava both possess health benefits that may help with several symptoms and disorders. Herbs such as kava may be disputed for their levels of potential toxicity, but many prescriptions pills can prove to be just as dangerous or even more so. Regardless of whether Echinacea or kava can necessarily cure a certain illness, they provide patients and doctors with another optionâ€â€a natural approach to relieving pain or sickness, as opposed to over-the-counter medications.
Monday, July 29, 2019
The Concept of Divinity or God According to Parmenides Essay
The Concept of Divinity or God According to Parmenides - Essay Example Philosophers, Presocratic philosophers as they are called, pursued knowledge in a different perspective in an attempt to etch their own reasons on how the universe evolves. It was a complete renascence of the spiritual beliefs in Greece. It was a religious rebirth from traditional theology for the Presocratic. The theologies that they present ignored and even rejected the gods of Homer and Hesiod which were the traditional basis of the Greek religion. One of these Presocratic philosophers is a man named Parmenides, a nobleman who established a new law in Elea stating that all new officials of the city should pledge to follow the Parmenidean law before they were inaugurated. He also built a philosophy Eleatic school which has become a strong inspiration for Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Parmenides was the teacher of Zeno ( Curd 3). They both advocate a single reality of oneness and reality. In Parmenidean doctrine, the â€Å" the One†, who is indivisible and unbounded in time and space is the only true being but is not conceived by Parmenides as we do with God. Instead, he thinks of it as a quantifiable being with infinite extensions which was significant to his logical reasoning (Thomas J. McFarlane, â€Å"Plato’s Parmenides"). Parmenides claims that the senses is deceitful, making our perception of the world different from what it really is. He states that the world is something we cannot comprehend and can only be explained through logic. Parmenides even denied the evidence of the senses, saying that even the distinction between the knower and the known, between the thinker and the object of thought, are illusions. Parmenides argues that since the perception of movement and change can always be thought and spoken of, they are just illusions and everything that is, has always been and will ever be. The core of the argument is: The things that you speak or think is related to something that actually exist, that is both thought and language requ ire objects outside themselves otherwise they would cease to exist in thought. He assumes monotony in the meaning of words and comes up with a conclusion that everything constantly exists and that there is no change because all can be conceive in the mind at all times. Parmenides doctrines regarding the canon of infinity and the perpetuity of the One was rendered in clearer pros by Melissus, an eminent citizen of Samos and an admirer of Parmenides states that everything that exist has a beginning, everything that has no beginning cannot exist, but what exists has not manifested. Therefore it doesn’t have a beginning. Yet again, there is which end in destruction and there are ones that are everlasting. Therefore what exists, being indestructible, has no end. Those which have has no beginning and are everlasting would in fact be infinite. Therefore, what exist is infinite. If something would be infinite, it would be unique. Thus, if there were two they could not be infinite but would have limits against each other. But what exist is infinite; therefore there is no plurality of existence. Therefore what exists is one. (Thomas Knierim, â€Å"Presocratic Greek Philosophy†) What we can see from these pros is a perfect example of classical monism. Parmenides inferences are logically correct but in truth, he is wrong. Even if the resulting theory is flawed, still his methodology was an unpretentious innovation. The problems aroused from his axioms; his assumption of the logical world and the things themselves having a common form of existence. These axioms were where Parmenides derived his logical conclusions in an attempt to build his metaphysics. Hence, in simple words, divinity as defined by Parmenides is one and unchanging. It is an assertion that goes against the usual laws of the world
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Domestic Violence Against Women In 2010 Has A Greater Affect Than It Dissertation
Domestic Violence Against Women In 2010 Has A Greater Affect Than It Did 50 years ago - Dissertation Example The research is intended to reflect more meaning than might be found through quantitative research with deeper meanings emerging through conversational style interviews with five participants. The participant pool consisted of three women and two men who had been involved in male violence upon female victims. Through these interviews, an understanding of the discourse about the topic emerged. The topic has been examined through a literature review of relevant secondary resources and through primary research of five interviews that were collated into case studies to provide context for emerging themes. In looking at the previous research and the case studies, the concepts that are within the public discourse emerge and become a framework in which to understand why violence against women is perpetuated and has not come to its end. Acknowledgements Table of Contents Abstract Acknowledgements Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Theoretical Frameworks 1.3 Research Questio ns 1.4 Hypotheses 2. Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Fifty Years Ago 2.2.1 Feminism 2.2.2 Violence 2.3 Media 2.4 Public Discourse 3. Methodology 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Secondary Research 3.3 Primary Research 3.3.1 Participants 3.3.2 Ethics 3.5 Summary 4. Findings and Discussion 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Case Study # 1: Female 4.3 Case Study # 2: Female 4.4 Case Study # 3: Female 4.5 Case Study # 4: Male 4.6 Case Study # 5: Male 4.7 Summary 5.0 Conclusion References Appendices List of Appendices Appendix 1: Questions for Interviews Appendix 2: Contextual Frameworks: Potency vs. Width Domestic Violence Against Women In 2010 Has A Greater Affect Than It Did 50 years ago Chapter One 1. Introduction 1.1 Background The nature of gender relations have changed dramatically in the last fifty years which has framed the dialogue about violence against women in a different context than it was considered in previous time periods. The state of the female status has evolved from a sense of propert y to a sense of autonomy, the objectification of femaleness made subjective, part of the public sphere and relevant to all aspects of life. In being subjective, the nature of the female present is many things, her situated presence manifesting a number of roles that are both defined by the concept of female, and some by the concept of human. More rarely, she is a the subject of a male identity, her presence part of the discourse of gender role identification that are now virtually all interchangeable. However, this has not discounted the vulnerability of being female, her sex providing a violent access that males are not as vulnerable to in the context of domestic life. The domination of the male, his need to express his maleness through subjugating others in the domestic sphere, has led to violent outbursts that intend to define that dominance. When no other recourse seems available, some men will reduce their ability to convince into an action of violence, manifesting their domina nce through pain and oppression. Threat of further action brings the female into line, her life reduced to self-protection and in protecting other aspects of their life including children, reputation, and the appearance of tranquility. The postmodernists view male violence towards women through looking at the way in which gender divisions have been determined by linguistically framed, the language of violence encouraging aggression attitudes. The emphasis on typical language where power relationships are
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The Impact of Technology on Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Impact of Technology on Education - Essay Example A survey in the US high schools showed that about half of the public school teachers who had access to computers and Internet available in their schools used them for classroom instruction. About 61 percent of the teachers assigned students to use these technologies for word processing or creating spreadsheets most frequently, 51% used Internet research, 50% applied them in practicing drills, and 50% solved problems and analyzed data using the technologies available. Furthermore, many teachers used computers or the Internet to conduct lots of preparatory and administrative tasks such as creating instructional materials, gathering information for planning lessons, and communicative tasks (Smerdon, Cronen, Lanahan, Anderson, Iannotti, & Angeles, 2001). Generally, there are a lot of benefits the use of technology has brought in teaching-learning process. The impact can be assessed both on the learners' and the teachers' side. In the one hand, the National School Board Associations of the United States reported that the availability of technology often stimulates teachers to present more complex tasks and materials which could not be handled using conventional methods and processes (NSBA, 2008). Furthermore, the NSBA (2008) reported, introduction of technology will tend to support teachers in becoming coaches rather than dispensers of knowledge, increases teachers' sense of professionalism and achievement and motivates students to attempt harder tasks and to take more care in crafting their work. There are concepts in education, particularly in the areas of science and mathematics that require complex representations, which could not be done in the conventional ways. To address the difficulties in teaching these concepts educator of tentimes uses instructional technologies like film (cited in Linn, 1998, p. 269), computer models, and other systems. Garofalo, J., Drier, H., Harper, S., Timmerman, M.A., & Shockey, T. (2000) reported that a crucial component of technology application in education is enabling the teachers. Technology is useful for learning but the efficacy of the systems applied depend on the competence of those who handle them. In the other side, the benefits of technology on the learners are vast. A 1990 University of Michigan study reported that children could gain the equivalent of three months of instruction per school year when computers are available to them. Electronic drill and practice programs make children better spellers. Intensive preparation programs raise SAT scores. So-called integrated learning systems, which deliver entire curriculums to students sitting at workstations in a learning laboratory, practically guarantee that grade-point averages will go up, at least for a time (cited in Dewitt, 1991). Despite, however the vast promise of technology in advancing the learning process, there are cases reported when the application of technology did otherwise. Dewitt's (1991) article reported that the entire first-grade class in a tiny Belridge school district in McKittrick, California, along with more than a third of the 64-member student body, had scored below their grade level for both reading and math.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Case Analysis of Tata Motors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Case Analysis of Tata Motors - Essay Example It was a very conscious effort considering the situation of global car market and the company’s competitive advantages. Nano has been marketed as the â€Å"World’s Cheapest Car†and the company has adopted a very unique development and business model for this special child of it. One of the most important advantages that the company enjoys is that it has more than enough knowledge about its home market i.e. India, its competitors and its suppliers. Tata Motors and its chairman Ratan Tata want Nano to create same magic that Mini did in Britain and Beetle did in Germany. Furthermore, the company and its visionary management could foresee the future of global car market which is expected to be very much dominated by the low-cost as well as ultra-low-cost cars. This paper includes the answers of four questions that are based on a case of Tata Motors and its Nano. The paper aims to discuss the reasons behind the Tata Motors’ decision to enter the market of ultr a-low-cost cars, competitive advantages of Tata Motors as well as Nano, probable screening criteria for the Nano’s IMS process and the potential market for Nano beyond India and China. Main Reasons for Tata Motors entering the ultra-low-cost car market Global car industry and its competitive landscape have been experiencing significant alterations which are permanent and dramatic. One of the main reasons behind this is the change in nature of demand of the end users across the globe. A completely new and unique class of car buyers has been emerging in the industrializing countries like China and India. Such incident has created a huge potential for cars which can be found in the price range of $2500 - $5000. Such cars are popular among the manufacturers and buyers as ultra-low-cost cars. A report of A. T. Kearney says that till 2020, almost 16 million cars from this category will be sold every year. India and other Southeast Asian countries will be the key market for such typ e of cars (A. T. Kearney, 2008). Chinese and Russian consumers are expected to look beyond ultra-low-cost cars as they have moved ahead of their Indian counterparts in terms of income level. This new category of cars is likely to experience tremendous demand especially from India. In 2005, almost 208 million Indian had an income that theoretically allows them to buy a car that costs in between $2500 - $5000. It is expected that by the end of 2020 there will be around 439 million people who will be looking for these ULCCs. It is important to mention that most of these people will be ‘first time buyer’ of car. Research shows that if the car is priced at around $4000 then almost 270 million Indians will be in a position to buy it, whereas if the starting price is set at around $2500 then the number moves up to 530 million (A. T. Kearney, 2008). Tata Motors, being an India based car maker knows the market more than any other company. The company is very much aware of the ab ove mentioned facts and figures; hence this huge potential of ULCCs has definitely influenced Tata Motors to make an entry in ULCC market. Tata Motors did its own research before coming up with the plan of Nano. The company targeted the market that no other auto maker in the country has done it. It has targeted the two wheeler owners. India is such a country where people use two-wheelers as their
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Separation of Retail and Investment Banking Operations Essay
Separation of Retail and Investment Banking Operations - Essay Example The need to separate the two operations is the central focus of this paper, presenting arguments for and against the move in detail. Arguments in support of separation of retail and investment banking operations Financial crisis is not a new phenomenon for the banking sector in U.K and beyond. From time to time, economic hardships that have resulted in financial crisis have been observed around the world. Year 2008 global financial crisis adversely affected financial systems in various economies. This necessitated the need to manage risks in the financial sector, which is primarily dominated by banks. Following this and other affecting factors, regulation, control and reforming the banking sector is essential. Separation of retail and investment banking operations is a positive move to take in the context of the above pursuit. That is, regulation, control and reforming financial services providers. Separating retail and investment banks would mean that the each of the two becomes a s tandalone legal entity. It is important to note that retail banks handle short term and long term payments, accept deposits and offer credit services by lending funds (De Jonghe, 2010, p. 387). On the other hand, investment banks primarily deal with financial instruments. In this regard, they are also referred to as casino banks. With the separation, it would mean that adverse effects experienced by either of the banks would hardly affect the other. That is to say that if the investment banking operations experience huge losses, the resultant negative effects would hardly affect retail banking operations especially deposits. Splitting the retail and investment banking operations is an activity that would bring forth intensive regulatory frameworks in a bid to achieve the desired outcome. The regulatory frame work adopted would be one that addresses each of the two banks as a unit independent of the other. In the situation of financial hardships, the retail banking sector would recei ve the attention of both the government and the taxpayers. The investment banking sector on the other hand would be accounted for by shareholders and investors in the same context. As a result, the adverse effects of financial crisis can neither be transferred to the retail bankers nor the government when the investment banking sector is affected. Investment banks engage in highly risky financial instruments (Upper, 2007, p.64). Tax revenues are normally used to back banking operations with or without operational risks. However, separating retail and investment banking operations would ensure that the taxpayers’ money only backs retail banking operations. The involvement of investment banks in risky financial instruments and related activities would therefore not constitute any financial burden to the taxpayers. Over and above the alleviation of financial burdens to taxpayers in times of financial crisis, individual customers to both retail and investment banks would be at an advantage. In absence of the separation, deposits in retail banks are highly influenced by investment activities. This is more so if different parts of the same bank handles both retail and investment banking operations. With the separation, the opposite of this scenario is true. However, lending risks are inevitable, but they are relatively easy to address (Modigliani and Miller, 1958, p.261–
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Scope of marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Scope of marketing - Essay Example See graph l Graph I When price is increased, seller would want to sell more because it will be more profitable. However we will find that consumer will buy less because in the increase in price. Consumer may look for substitute product for bread which could be cheaper. While the demand curve goes downward when the price goes up, the reverse happens with the supply curve. In the diagram left, let us take for example that price of bread goes further higher from $3 to $4, the seller will be more than willing to sell at a higher price because it will be more profitable but as shown above demand for the product is low. The effect to seller and employment. The seller cannot afford to sell at lower price because it will incur losses. At this point, the seller will think of ways to cut on the cost of production. One of these is to reduce the number of personnel employed in the bakery. If the reduction of employment happens to all the bakeries in the country, the magnitude of unemployment wil l be another problem of the economy. How to increase demand. If the price increase is inevitable, there are ways to increase demand for the product. One way is to do a little market in tricks. A bakery in our place created the interest of customers when it announced a big sales discount on breads before closing the store. It may also work if you use catchy phrases like â€Å"limited supply only†, or perhaps by extending extra services to customers. Things may work well if you sell the brand to customers to gain loyalty. Emphasize on the convenience of eating bread because you can take bread anywhere like making it into sandwiches and eat it as against rice that needs a setting first. 2. The marketing of the product becomes difficult even when there is enough supply because of some factors, such as consumer preferences and expectations. Let us remember that there are available substitutes for the product, and so when the price of bread becomes too high, consumer will think of ways to economize, for example, rice or cereals for breakfast. Substitute goods can be used in place of another, corn or beans perhaps. And maybe the best argument for this is the price. The price is the best indicator for demand. Their demand for bread decreases because consumers economize on their consumption. 3. Potential market. Potential market is a set of consumers who have expressed a desire for the product or market offer. Potential market means a set of consumers who profess some level of interest in a designed market offer. (Lake, Laura n.d. ) Available market. It is differentiated from potential market, because available market means potential costumers qualified on the basis of his/her buying authority, and willingness to buy. By this we make a segmentation of consumers by classifying them into income groups. Target market. Target market has similarity of approach with available market because here, the marketer focuses on a specific market. But the difference is that th e marketer does not exclude people who do not fit into the criteria from buying the product. . For example, our company could choose to market to homeowners between the ages of 35-65 with incomes of $150,000+ in certain area in California. To classify the market further, the company could choose homeowners who are renting, or do not own a house and lot. When we have a defined market, it is easier to market the company ,for example, in defining our target market, we will take into consideration not only those who have the need for the condominium but
Tourism and the media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tourism and the media - Essay Example Tourism works unlike other industries in the fact that the industry depends a lot on the media for the success of the industry as a whole. The media is one of biggest drivers of tourism because the media serves the role of creating awareness about different places that are attractive for tourist to visit. The media influences tourism in a lot of ways. The role of media on tourism is a two-edge sword because the media can affect tourism in both a positive and negative way. One of the largest industries the media controls is the movie industry. A lot of movies showcase tourism spots indirectly in the plots of movies. Take for example the movie The Beach. This movie was filmed at one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The movie was filmed on Thailand’s Maya Beach (Thailandlogue, 2011). After the movie was released the Maya Beach region received a huge influx of tourists due to the free promotion Maya Beach received. Movies are just one of many ways the media can influenc e tourism. There are television channels that are solely dedicated to promoting tourism worldwide. A channel that has done a great job promoting tourism is the Travel Channel. The purpose of the Travel Channel is to connect people to the power and joy of human journey that inspires, surprises, and entertain humans across the world (Travelchannel, 2011). The written press is another media channel that has lot of power and its actions influence tourism. Most national newspapers have a section dedicated to travel. The travel section of a newspaper showcases different tourism spots across the world. When people read and see pictures about different parts of the world they get motivated to save money in order to visit these places. There is valuable information in newspapers that can help tourism once they reach their destination. Information such as the current currency exchange rate and weather information can be obtained by reading a local newspaper. A lot of countries advertise thems elves through magazines. The efforts of the media play a vital role in the promotion of tourism. One of the most important aspects about tourism is that it promotes economic development. There are countries in the world such as many of the Caribbean inlands that are extremely dependent on tourism dollars to support their national economies. â€Å"Tourism is highly dependent on media reporting because the vast majority of travel decisions are made by people who have never seen the destination first hand themselves†(Un, 2007). The exposure the media can provide to a region can help generate tourism. One of the ways the media can help tourism as a whole is by teaching people about other cultures. Television programs can help people get accustomed to the idea of visiting a new location. For example the television series â€Å"Outsourced†produced by NBC showcases a cast of actors of Indian descent (Sidereel, 2011). Through the program people can learn about the culture of India which can help raise a person’s interest in visiting such a location. Another type of program that directly influences the tourism prospects of a country are documentaries. A documentary can be defined as media that presents a non-fictional story that incorporates music, pictures, video clips, emotion, camera angles, and lighting to enhance a story (Blogspot, 2007). When documentaries are used to showcase a country potential tourists get a chance to get an in-depth view a country. Documentaries
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Service Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Service Marketing - Essay Example The image of the brand effectively represents the way the customers view an organization (Kapoor, Paul & Halder, 2011). Services’ marketing ensures that an organization such as McDonald’s presents and behaves itself in a modern consistent way in order to delivery on its promise of being the best in customer service. Customer service is the backbone of an organization since there is no organization that can operate without customers. It is therefore utmost paramount to establish world-class customer service to the clients in order for any organization to be successful. It is through best practices in services marketing which enable an organization to establish a strong reputable brand as well as effective and efficient customer service. Another factor that effectively supports services marketing includes marketing communication methods that include promotions and advertising and which are effectively used in creating designs, colors and images that give various brands th eir recognizable faces. The Golden Arches is McDonald’s familiar logo and it is recognizable to its customers the world over due to its exemplary performance in services marketing (Kapoor, Paul & Halder, 2011). McDonald’s faces stiff completion in all its markets from other competitors. Other factors that affect the organizations success include the numerous technological, legal and economical changes. Its marketing activities involves the identification of customer requirements and needs and ensuring that these needs are effectively and efficiently meet in a far much better way as compared to its competitors. This is the only way that an organization can create loyal customers and the management of McDonald’s knows this fundamental factor. The organization has established various services marketing activities that ensure that the organization stays on board and also at the top of its competitors. McDonald’s has among its services marketing a segment that is known as the key audiences and this is the organizations likely customers (Kapoor, Paul & Halder, 2011). The Pre-Purchase Stage McDonald’s also utilizes the invaluable factors of market research and marketing mix after having identified its key audiences. The marketing mix will be established in accordance to the specific appeals and preferences of the key audiences. The marketing mix is a terminology that is used to refer to the four key marketing tools, popularly known as the 4Ps. The 4Ps include the place, promotion, price and the product. The place refers specifically to where the products are sold to the customers. McDonald’s ensures that it has fully analyzed detailed information regarding its customers which is derived from the various ongoing market researches that it conducts regularly since it is very important to do this (Kapoor, Paul & Halder, 2011). This enables an organization to make informed and up-to-date decisions regarding the customers’ p references. This is among the key functions of services marketing that enable an organization to be in touch with its customers and their ever changing preferences. The McDonald’s Marketing Department then ascertains the key information that will determine the correct marketing mix. Among the questions that the marketing team tackles includes ; which restaurant is visited frequently, what are the prices that the customers would want to pay, which products are
Monday, July 22, 2019
Post-Compulsory Education and Training Essay Example for Free
Post-Compulsory Education and Training Essay * Learning Objectives Justify your choice by reference to the cohort analysis, scheme of work and the assessment schedule.LO1 To be introduced to the meaning of Autism and Asperger’s syndrome, and compare and contrast the difference between the two conditions.LO2 After watching a video, all learners will be able to discuss the triad of impairments linked with autism.LO3 All learners will be introduced to the term ‘Theory of Mind’ and how this develops in children.LO4 All learners will be able to identify the key components of The Sally Anne study. Most learners will able to summarise its strengths and weaknesses in supporting Theory of Mind.LO5 Most learners will correctly answer an OCR past paper exam question on Baron-Cohen.LO6 All learners will consolidate their learning with an interactive plenary on the topic covered in today’s session.The aims and objectives in this lesson were chosen in order to relate to OCR Psychology (3.2 AS Unit G542: Core Studies) Allowing the students to be aware of this link to the assessment criteria will keep them motivated, and give their learning purpose to aim for a long term goal. The Learning Objectives have been differentiated to allow for learning to take place at all levels, and to allow for inclusion for all, despite the fact that candidates may have difficulties i.e. one learner has Asperger’s syndrome, and another has dyspraxia. These objectives will be achieved using all 3 VAK learning styles.(Honey and Mumford 1992)The learning objectives are differentiated and specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and timely (SMART) to ensure accessibility (Wallace, 2011) * Teaching and Learning Activities Justify your choice of methods and resources to be used by matching them against learning objectives using reasons and evidence from appropriate models of learning. The teaching and learning activities for this session have been designed to introduce a new topic in Psychology, Core Studies. As this is an introductory lesson to a topic, I have prepared learning activities which are accessible to all the learners, to ensure that nobody is excluded at any time. (Wallace 2005) All activities are varied to accommodate all levels and learning styles (VAK) as pupils are often a combination of visual, audio and kinaesthetic. (Claxton 2002)I will promote inclusiveness during the session by having a list of key words if at any point they are unsure; have specific instruction written down as well as reading them out. Hand-outs will be given out with a choice of colour, and supporting any learners one to one where necessary. I intend to keep learners motivated by making everyone feel comfortable and safe in the classroom environment, ensuring a sense of belonging and to meet all learners self-esteem needs encouraging praise and independence where necessary and promote optimism so that all students are self-actualised (Maslow 1908-1970) Ensuring the humanistic learning theory is addressed, I will allow drinks of water when necessary, and provide fairness and equality for all learners. (Disability and Equality Act 2010)Room set-up- Arrange the tables into groups. This will encourage all learners to get involved (every learner matters) and to make sure that no learner is seated with their back to me and that I am not sitting behind a desk as this creates a physical barrier between the teacher and learner and encourages eye contact. (Wallace 2007)Questioning- Non directed questions will be asked at the beginning of the session to assess prior knowledge, which will be demonstrated through a thought-shower on the board (visual and auditory). Through-out the session the questions will become directed and scaffolded (Bruner, cited in Jarvis 2004) to assist in gaining knowledge and answers from learners.When asking questions, use learners names your and prior knowledge of their ability and personality (as I have never taugh t this class before, they have been given name stickers) This ensures that learners feel valued and supported. (Keeley-Browne 2007)Pre-starter – I have included a pre-starter activity, as with it being a 3pm class, students can often come in lethargic and unmotivated. They often need some immediate stimulation, to wake them up and encourage a productive lesson.Starter – We will create a though shower (visual) on the board to assess prior knowledge of this new topic being covered, and it gives the learners ownership of their own work, as their input is what gets written on the board. Prior learning experiences have the potential to enhance or interfere with new learning’ (Knox, 1997)Main Learning Process – The majority of the lesson is based around PowerPoint slides, videos and group discussion/work. This ensures that all three domains of learning are being addressed – cognitive (thinking in their groups and whilst listening to the presentation), affective (feeling how autistic people may feel after watchi ng the video clips), and psychomotor (applying their knowledge in a hands on task) (Bloom et al, 1971) This adopts VAK learning styles. Everyone benefits from using a wide variety of styles also known as whole brain learning. (Coffield et al 2004) When learners make an interesting observation/ comment, or get an answer correct, it is vital to give them praise. Many learners in sixth form can have low self-esteem; therefore giving out praise when warranted can enhance their feeling of self-worth and competence by acknowledging their qualities and strengths (Vizard 2007.)Group Work Group work can be a largely effective way of learning, taking strengths from each individual and combining it for model answers. In this session, learners will be split up into groups for part of the task, ‘As well as being an enjoyable activity in itself, this provides huge opportunities for learning. It requires that learners process the new material and make personal sense of it.’ (Petty 2009) From the cohort analysis, I am aware of who works well and encourages/motivates each other. The learners are aware of this themselves, and usually sit with the people/person they work well with. If people are distracted then I will take action by changing the group dynamics. In their groups they will discuss one of the triad of impairments from their prior knowledge and information given on a video. This shows that they can apply the knowledge they have gained the thought shower and video into a new situation. (Blooms Taxonomy – application of knowledge.) Once they have completed their group work, they will now share and discuss their ideas with the rest of the class, by sticking their A3 sheet of ideas on the board. (Think, pair, share.)Hand-out- All work sheets are on coloured paper (if possible), which aids any dyslexic learners without them standing out, as the whole class will have the same colours. ‘Everyone who can benefit from further education should be able to participate’ (John Tomlinson 1996) The PowerPoint presentation will be accessible on Moodle for future reference and revision purposes.Assessment for Learning- A past paper question will be asked in order to assess their level of understanding from the lesson. They will complete the question under exam conditions (no notes or talking, and timed) and peer mark the question. They will be given feedback on which is a model answer, and which isn’t sufficient, and I will collect in and monitor progress. It is imperative feedback is given (Black William, 1998).Plenary- All learners will participate in an interactive activity to assess and ensure learning has taken place (formative assessment.) Looking at the cohort analysis, and after a couple of lessons observing this group, I have noticed they work well as a whole class and enjoy interactive plenaries. The Deal or No Deal task will allow learners to gain feedback from the teacher, peers and feedback from themselves as they answer questions. It has been suggested that formative feedback has some of the most positive effects on learners. The greatest effect is on the weakest learners (Black and William, 1998) The group can become a little bit chatty and excitable when completing a group task, therefore I will need to manage the noise levels.Rewarding good behaviour and achievement allows learners to be respected and valued for who they are, how hard they have tried and what they have achieved and build up a mutual and trusting relationship between the teacher and learner, allowing the learner to feel safe and valued in class. This is expressed as ‘unconditional positive regard’ (Rodgers 1983)Try and make students feel good about themselves, even when you are criticising their work/ answer and trying to guide them onto the right path (two stars and a wish) Articulate the standards you have identified, i.e. elaborate what will actually happen in terms of teaching and learning activities against each standard, Do not just list or re-state the standards you have ticked off.You may group related standards together where they are addressed through one activity.Standard(s): AP 4.1 Use relevant theories of learning to support the development of practice in learning and teaching.Articulation: Use of Maslows Hierarchy of Needs. Proving a safe and comfortable learning environment, using praise to build up self- esteem on order to achieve self-actualisation. Blooms Taxonomy was also used applying the knowledge from the video clips and PowerPoint in the session to the group work on The Triad of Impairments.Standard(s): AP 4.2 Reflect on and demonstrate commitment to improvement of own personal and teaching skills through regular evaluation and use of feedbackArticulation: I write a reflection after every taught session. I plan to use De Bonos Thinking Hats after this session, using the feedback gained on the scales given to the class at the beginning and the end of the session.Standards(s): AP 6.2 Demonstrate good practice through maintaining a learning environment which conforms to statutory requirements and promotes equality, including appropriate consideration of the needs of children, young people and vulnerable adults.Articulation: This lesson meets the statutory requirements of a teacher required by Cronton Sixth Form College, meets the requirements of the examining body. The lesson filly includes all learners, and the cohort analysis has allowed me to be aware of individual needs and requirements.Standard(s): BP 1.1 Establish a purposeful learning environment where learners feel safe, secure, confident and valued. Articulation: Again this links to Abraham Maslows ‘hierarchy of needs’, providing a safe classroom environment, allowing for students to pass through all the stages to become self-actualised. Applying Rodgers ‘unconditional positive regard’ throughout the session, rewarding and praising good behaviour will allow for learners to feel valued and respected. Standard(s): BP 2.1 Provide learning activities which meet curriculum requirements and the needs of all learners. Articulation: The aims and objectives in this lesson were chosen in order to relate to OCR Psychology (3.2 AS Unit G542: Core Studies)The Learning Objectives are all differentiated, which will meet all learners various needs so ensure learning takes place. This links into Every Learner Matters.Standard(s): BP 2.4 Apply flexible and varied delivery methods as appropriate to teaching and learning practice.Articulation: There are many different delivery methods used for learning in this session, allowing for all types of learners to learn and achieve (VAK.) Such methods used are throughout the session are thought showers, questioning, practical hands-on activity, video clips, group work, peer assessment an interactive assessment activity.Standards(s): BP 3.1 Communicate effectively and appropriately using different forms of language and media, including written, oral and non-verbal communication, and new and emerging technologies to enhance learningArticulation: I will use various forms of communication during the session. Using theory on paralanguage to ensure my body language is open, e.g. no folded arms, eye contact and make sure I circulate the room so everybody feels included. I will have a steady pace, clarity and tone in my discussion and instruction (behaviourist). All meta-language used is listed on a key terms sheet to help with meaning of words, and the PowerPoint is clear and concise. I have implemented video clips on PowerPoint to keep up with emerging technologies, as oppose to me talking all of the time. This breaks up the lesson into chunks (cognitive theory) which makes them gain fulfilment and enjoyment out of the tasks (humanism)Standard(s): BP 3.3 Structure and present information clearly and effectively.Articulation: All information is presented on a PowerPoint, on hand outs and also read out so that it is clear for all students and their learning style. The lesson is all structured, differentiated and timed to allow for learning to take place in all learners. The presentation (including video clips) will be made available on Moodle for future reference and revision purposes.Standards(s): BP 5.1 Select and develop a range of effective resources, including appropriate use of new and emerging technologies.Articulation: The resources chosen for this session are varied in learning styles (VAK) and include all 3 theories of learning to ensure the lesson appeals to all, and doesn’t get monotonous. There is a PowerPoint presentation, group work, key words hand-out, a booklet to fill in whilst being accompanies by new and emerging ICT technologies. This includes video clips in the PowerPoint and an interactive Deal or No Deal Plenary.Standards(s): CP 1.1 Ensure that knowledge of own specialist area is current and appropriate to the teaching context.Articulation: I have ensured my knowledge of the topic autism is totally up to date and current. Figures and facts change yearly, so it is important to keep up to date. I have broken down my knowledge of Psychology from my degree to A level standard, so it can be inclusive to all learners, whilst still capable of stretching and challenging the more able learners.Standards(s): DP 1.2 Plan teaching sessions which meet the aims and needs of individual learners and groups, using a variety of resources, including new and emerging technologiesArticulation: This session meets the aims of the curriculum for this module, meets the schemes of work and is differentiated so that it is inclusive to all learners in this cohort (from Aspergers syndrome through to gifted and talented student). The resources compliment the plan and are varied in learning style and theory, whilst adopting new technology methods, such as interactive games for plenary in formative assessment.Standards(s): EP 1.3 Develop, establish and promote peer and self-assessment tools, including where appropriate, those which exploit new and emerging technologies. Articulation: This lesson will consist of them self-assessing their initial knowledge of autism, whilst continually self-assessing through the lesson. I will reinforce this with praise at correct answers and good feedback, and guide it through direct and non-directed questioning. Peer assessment will take place during the formative assessment (past paper questioning) Standard(s): EP 2.1 Apply appropriate methods of assessment fairly and effectively.Articulation: Directed and non-directed questioning is used; giving learners at all levels the opportunity to participate in the lesson. The Deal or No Deal formative assessment task allows all learne rs to participate, and makes assessing what they have learnt interactive and fun.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Capital budgeting techniques: Sensitivity and Scenario analysis
Capital budgeting techniques: Sensitivity and Scenario analysis Graphically show and explain the following terms, how you could link them to capital budgeting techniques in your decision making (1000 words) Sensitivity analysis Scenario analysis Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity analysis is a ‘what if’ tool that examines the effect of increase or decrease in a company’s net profit. Sensitivity analysis can help in answering question like ‘What would be the forecasted net income if sales are increased or decreased by 30%, 20% or 10%. Sensitivity analysis is frequently used in capital budgeting for determining how sensitive an NPV analysis is to changes in variable assumptions. While conducting analysis, each variable is fixed except one and by changing this one variable, the effect on NPV or IRR can be viewed. The first step in performing a sensitivity analysis is building a base case scenario. This is typically the NPV using assumptions which are believed to be accurate. From this point various assumptions can be changed which had initially been based on potential assumptions. NPV is then recalculated and the sensitivity of NPV based on the change in assumptions is determined. Scenario Analysis Scenario analysis is a process of analysing decisions by considering alternative possible outcomes. Scenario analysis is designed to see the consequences of an action under different set of factors. Scenario analysis takes sensitivity analysis a step further. Rather than just looking at the sensitivity of the NPV analysis to changes in the variable assumptions, scenario analysis also looks at the probability distribution of the variables. Like sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis starts with the construction of a base case scenario. From there other scenarios are considered known as the ‘best case’ and ‘worst case’ scenario. Probabilities are assigned to the scenarios and computed to arrive at an expected value. Capital Budgeting and Use of Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis Capital budgeting is the process of analysing a company’s investment decisions such as investing in new equipment, machineries, plants, projects and products. This process involves the estimation of the expected cash flows, the calculation of the Net Present Value (NPV) and the calculation of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of the investment. NPV is defined as the present value of all cash inflows minus the present value of all cash outflows. If NPV is positive, the investment is making money and is thus viable. IRR is defined as the discount rate that makes the NPV zero. If IRR is greater than the opportunity cost of capital then the investment is feasible. There are two obstacles involved in the capital budgeting process. One involves the correct estimation of expected cash flow. The other is the use of correct discount rate also known as the project cost of capital. Capital budgeting is by definition, forward looking. When dealing with expected resources and demands, uncertainty is a major factor. Sensitivity analysis is a statistical tool that determines how consequential deviations from the expected value occur. Capital Budgeting example XYZ Water Filtration Plant needs to construct a new water filtration plant to filter 20 million litre water and deliver to consumers. An assessment should be carried out to evaluate the economics of the project and determine which parameter is sensitive to investment value, also to establish a sales price. Market price of water is $4 $5 per litre therefore, four different water price scenarios would need to be analysed to reach the best economic parameter, they are: $4, $4.25, $4.5 and $4.75. The selection criteria would be based on: NPV Cost of Capital 15% IRR Analysis and Comparison of Alternatives Preliminary data and estimation Table 1: Project Information Table 2: Baseline Cash flow calculation Baseline cash flow and NPV are calculated as follows: Table 3: Sensitivity Analysis Calculation In sensitivity analysis, each variable is changed one at a time to analyse its impact on the end result. In this case the impact of 10% increase or decrease in revenue, capital investment and operational cost is considered on the NPV. From table 3, a sensitivity graph can be plotted as follows: Based on above sensitivity analysis, it is evident that the revenue by terms of price is the main variable that is affecting NPV. Hence the economic optimization and evaluation will be based on parameter water price. Using formula in the spreadsheet, following can be obtained: Table 4: Water Sales Price Scenario Selection of preferred alternative From table 4, we can conclude that best scenario is at water price $4.74 per litre, refer to criteria NPV, IRR and Payout Time. Then the project is worth doing, with the water price $4.75 per litre resulting NPV>0, IRR>MARR and payout time less than five years. Benefits of using Sensitivity Analysis Sensitivity and scenario analysis in useful in capital budgeting techniques for a number of reasons, including: It supports decision making or the development of recommendations for decision makers such as testing the robustness of a result. Financial model makers can effectively communicate with the decision makers for example, by making recommendations more credible, understandable and compelling. Increases understanding of relationships between input and output variables. It helps the investor to maintain their risk comfort level. Once projections are made concerning a specific investment, it can be decided whether risk should be taken for the worst case scenario. SOURCE Source: Boundless. â€Å"Scenario Analysis.†Boundless Finance. Boundless, 03 Jul. 2014. Retrieved 27 Apr. 2015 from 627/lectures/chapter5.pdf
Health Education through Social Marketing
Health Education through Social Marketing Social Marketing According to the WHO, information and education provide the informed base for making choices. They are a necessary and core component of health promotion, which aims at increasing knowledge and disseminating information related to health. Health promotion is one of the most important components of health care and health education forms the core of such promotional activity. Health education is a process that informs, motivates and helps people to adopt and maintain healthy practices and lifestyles, advocates environmental changes as needed to facilitate these goals and conducts professional research and training to the same end. Health education is any intentional activity which is designed to achieve health or illness related learning to bring about a relatively permanent change in an individual’s capability or disposition. There are different methods of health education. For small groups the usual methods employed for health education have been health talks, demonstrations, role plays, and the use of audio-visual aids. For the general public, the health education tools have conventionally been the television, the radio, the press, films, health magazines, posters, health exhibitions and health museums. Mass media is not very effective in changing human behavior because communication is usually one-way. If health education is provided, but the products or services necessary to change behavior are not easily available, then the value of the health education is lost. It is therefore important to provide cheap and reliable services along with behavior changing health education. For instance, if health e ducation brings about an awareness in a community that the occurrence of HIV/AIDS can be significantly reduced by use of condoms, this message alone is of no value if condoms or not readily available either because of an unaffordable price or because of a difficult location. Making available these services is therefore as important as making people aware of the benefits of the services. Health education is not a substitute to other health services, but it is needed to ensure the proper use of available services. If the behavior of the individual group or community can be the main cause of a health problem, then that same behavior can be altered to serve as the main solution as well. In the world of marketing and advertisement, it is often said that propaganda is one of the most powerful instruments in influencing people. Television, radio and the popular press have emerged as the most potent vehicles for propaganda. There are three widely accepted strategies of mass communication. The psychodynamic model depends on modifying cognitive factors to influence behaviour namely the needs, fears and attitudes of the individual. The socio –cultural strategy requires persuasive messages to define the rules of social behaviour for individuals or to redefine existing ones. This method is used widely by television commercials. The meaning construction approach works differently. It identified certain unintended influences on target audience that were undesirable. Meaning construction or modification of meanings which people assign to some product, person, cause or issue can also bring about change in behaviour. Methods traditionally used to deliver health products and services in developing countries often do not reach a large portion of the population, especially those at the lower end of the economic ladder. Overburdened public health systems generally do not have enough outlets and provide services that are often not valued by the consumer. Many studies have found that when people do not pay for a service – they are less likely to value and utilize it. Marketing health generally raises awareness and increases utilization rates. This has been effective in the case of diarrhea, malaria, undernutrition, vitamin deficiency, voluntary HIV counseling and testing and reproductive services. When people pay for these services, they tend to value it better. In social marketing, two concepts are important – the exchange theory and the four P’s of marketing namely the product, the price, the place and the promotion. The product is the behaviour, program or service exchanged for a price. The price is the cost to the target audience in terms of money, lifestyle and effort of engaging in that behaviour. The place is the outlet through which the product is available or the situations in which behaviour change can be made. Promotion is the combination of advertising, media relations, promotional events and entertainment to communicate with the target audience about the product The choice of a tool for health education depends on a variety of factors – the objectives, the target audience, the time constraints and the availability of resources. The concept of Social marketing was introduced by Kotler and Zaltman in 1971. Social marketing is defined as the design, implementation and control of programs which attempt to increase the acceptability of a social idea or practice, in a target group. Social marketing is the use of commercial marketing concepts and tools in programs designed to influence individuals’ behaviour to improve their wellbeing and that of society. It draws from diverse fields like economics, psychology and medicine. Social marketing is a new approach to very old human endeavours. Attempts have always been made to inform, influence and motivate people to reinforce positive behaviour or to modify risk taking behaviour. Traditional Educational programs are found to be more effective when the target groups are involved in the planning process and participatory approach has been found to increase uptake of health services. Many studies have been found to be limited in that the evaluation of health education programs is based more on distant outcomes like morbidity and mortality rather than attitude change. For a social marketing program to be effective, two different research approaches are required to obtain the best picture about the issue being addressed, the target audience and the effectiveness of the program. These methods are qualitative and quantitative research. Both these methods have their strengths and weaknesses when used in isolation, but complement each other when combined to produce the best research results. The research has to be consumer focussed – quantitatively to produce data that can be generalised for a larger target group and qualitatively to understand the nature of pe ople’s attitude and behaviour both to the health issue involved as well as to the health services provided to them. Social marketing is a process of continuing development and testing. It has borrowed many of its techniques like focus group discussions, consumer marketing databases and intercept surveys from commercial market research, the difference being that social marketing sells ‘public health’. Issues that have to be examined are what the consumers feel they have to know, how they would like to know this and what are the barriers to change potentially harmful behaviour. Before any new educational material is launched, prototype materials have to be pre-tested with consumer focus groups Social marketing has been used for health promotion in various fields like smoking, drinking, drug abuse, HIV/AIDS, breast cancer and mental ill health. Other issues like environmental pollution, education and human rights have been most effectively addressed by this process. Social marketing involves many different stake-holders – the funding agency requires outputs in terms of gains made and the target group gain the health outcome, but apart from these obvious stakeholders, there are many others involved in partnerships for the social marketing of health education. This partnership helps to maximise limited resources, promote consistent messages and also help to reach diverse audience thus maximising impact of the program. This has been shown to function well in the case of HIV/AIDS. A nationwide strategy has been organised by many developing countries. The funding agencies are international bodies that work in collaboration with local governments. Non governmental or charity organisations are identified and trained by an initial training workshop. These agencies then conduct focus group discussions and key informant interviews with those most likely to benefit from the health education program. These target groups could be those at high risk for HIV/AIDS due to sexual contact – women in prostitution, youth and adolescents. The groups are identified and their key concerns are discussed. Barriers to their seeking healthy behaviour are identified. The groups also discuss the best health education methods and techniques suitable for their unique situation. Concerns of time and place of the health education session are detailed. Target groups from conservative societies did not prefer being given in formation about HIV/AIDs in public places or in the presence of the opposite sex or their family members. They were more willing to listen to health messages that were non judgmental or coercive. All these suggestions are incorporated into the health education strategy. Along with the health education campaign, local and international agencies are involved to provide essential health services in the form of cheap but reliable condoms, doctors trained in counselling and diagnosing HIV/AIDS as well as reliable referral and treatment centres. A small sample is then identified and a pilot project is undertaken to do a field trial of the health education tools. Further changes are made as required and a large scale program is put into effect. Mid term participatory evaluation is conducted regularly using external evaluating agents to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practice of the high risk group. The other stakeholders are also involved in this evaluation to see how they could furth er improve their contribution to the health education and health seeking process. Thus the process is constantly evolving. At the end of the program, final evaluation is undertaken and the results are available for all the stake-holders. This serves as a learning lesson. During the final evaluation, issues of sustainability of the project are also addressed. This approach is very different from the regular health education sessions which are primarily a top-down approach and hardly participatory. The other example of social marketing being very effective is in the case of nutritional educational programs targeting teenagers. The food intake data in countries like Britain and America indicate that the intake of nutritious food like fruits, grains, vegetables and dairy products is low while intake of foods rich in sodium, saturated fats and sugars are high. Any large scale intervention to target the scale and magnitude of this problem requires an in-depth knowledge of the target population, their food sources, their barriers to seeking healthy foods, the methods of health education available and required as well as the available resources in terms of healthy foods. Volunteers in the adolescent age group are asked what benefits they associate with increased consumption of nutrient rich food, what factors prevent them from consuming these foods, how they prefer to learn about foods and nutrition. They are also asked questions about what they think would be a ‘cool’ advertisement for food, where they usually hang out and how they would market products to their own age groups. Many of the youngsters indicate that they like yoghurt, chocolate drinks and fruits but not vegetables. They also prefer foods that are convenient and familiar while increasing scholastic and physical performance. Some of the suggestions given by the teenagers included disguising the taste and appearance of less favoured foods and improving the taste of some foods by adding other foods. They also felt that the nutrient rich foods were less available as forms of snacks and more difficult to procure and prepare. The potential channels of delivery were posters, tele vision, computers, billboards, cooking shows and radio contests. They also preferred hands on experience of preparing foods. This then leads to the next step of social marketing of the health education program with focus on the placement, pricing and promotion of these nutrient rich foods. Traditional methods of health education do not take into account many of these issues. They may be outdated and ‘out of sync’ with the new generation which might most require the educational input. Repeating the same message over and over again amounts to ‘flogging a dead horse’ and is unlikely to have the desired outcome. The media can provide very strong and contradictory messages that can confuse the audience. Many television programs may re-inforce the message that drinking and smoking is a sign of maturity or that it is fashionable. Many of these commercial advertisements are televised following extensive Market research about what attracts and appeals to the audienc e. Beauty, style, health and being better than one’s peer group are important reasons for the target audience to choose certain products. This play on psychology can be adopted to improve the health seeking behaviour of the target groups. Social marketing combines the best elements of the traditional approach to social change using the latest advances in communication techniques and marketing strategy. Though public health educators do not sell products, they use similar marketing skills to understand the consumer’s knowledge, the barriers to changing risky behaviour and the best methods of communicating. Before any new educational campaign is launched, prototype materials are pretested with consumer focus groups. This provides vital information on how well the target audience understand the materials. This knowledge can be used to tailor the educational material to suit specific target groups. Charity organisations or other funding agencies contribute to subsidise the process to make it financially accessible and available for those marginalised groups that most need them. Some Primary Care Trusts had brought out videos for public screening on key health messages as envisaged in the White Paper. These videos were screened in busy shopping areas and a qualitative study was conducted to assess the impact of the video. No baseline research was conducted and the target group was not involved in the decision making process. The study found that many people found the video irritating and intrusive; some ignored it while others thought that it was a marketing gimmick. The suggestions given were that the video be screened in places where people are more likely to be relaxed like eating places. Many people also found the video clips to be boring and inconspicuous, the suggestion being to add more colour or cartoon characters. If all these suggestions had been initially obtained and incorporated into the making and presentation of the video, the impact would have been a lot more beneficial. Thus traditional health education strategies would do well to adopt the social marketing methods before they embark on any program of intervention. Thus health education is a constantly evolving process. It does not force people to modify their behaviours, but encourages them to make their own choices for health. Health education must acknowledge the experiences and requirements of target groups. Preventive health education goes a long way in improving health of societies and the benefits gained are many, but a poorly planned and executed health education program is a waste of money and resources. Public health would gain to learn from the acumen of the market that sells products purely for a commercial purpose. The ultimate goal is for the target to use the product. This is best achieved by using social marketing skills. Thus social marketing of health education ensures maximum output to bring about behaviour change in large groups of people. This behaviour change is the basic requirement to make people responsible and responsive to their own health needs and is the only way to bring about empowerment of people for their own he alth. References Gilbert GG and Sawyer RG 2nd Edition (2000) Health Education: Creative Strategies for School and Community Health. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Lefebvre RC and Flora JA (1988) Social Marketing and Public Health intervention Health Education Quarterly 15 299 – 315 Neumark-Sztainer D, Story M, Perry C, Casey MA (1999) Factors influencing food choices of adolescents. Findings from focus group discussions with adolescents Journal of the American Dietetic Association 99(8) 929 – 937 Vaughn S, Schumm JS and Sinagub J (1996) Focus group interviews in Education and Psychology Thousand Oaks CA Sage Publications. Ghai OP and Gupta P (1999) ‘Essential Preventive Medicine: A clinical and applied Orientation’ Vikas Publishing House.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Science Behind Dreams Essay -- Scientific Research
Did you ever wonder why you dream? Or if your dreams mean anything? Dreams can tell you many things. Dreams are a mental activity associated with rapid-eye movement or REM period of sleep. REM is in sleep, which the eyeballs dart back and forth under closed eyelids. When awakened from REM sleep, people frequently report they had just been dreaming.(Lemonick) They are made up of visual images, scenes or thought expressed in terms of seeing rather than in those of the other senses or in words. During dreams the blood pressure and heart rate increases, and breathing is quickened, but the body is still immobile. Science has uncovered the purpose and meaning of dreams. While they were looking for their answer, they researchers are probing the minds of cats, sleepwalkers , and stroke survivors. They found it is a mix of personal stories and fascinating study results keep the show moving at a lively pace. The dreamworld affects both mental health and problem solving in our waking lives.(L. K.) Electroencephalography studies electrical; activity of the brain during REM sleep. They have shown that young adults dream for 1 Â ½ to 2 hours of every 8-hour period of sleep. While infants spend an average of 50% of their sleep in the REM phase. They are believed to dream more often than adults, and it will decrease steadily with age.(Hobson) Research shows that infants in the womb spend nearly all their time in REM sleep and scientist think they’re using that time to develop brain circuitry, which suggests that the very structure of our minds may be something we have dreamed up. While extensive experiments on maze-running rats and video game playing humans, along with studies of people experiencing failing relationships and depression, have demons... ...Dreams are complex and confusing to understand. There are a lot more questions to be answered about dreams, and why we dream. I don’t think we will ever completely understand the dream world and the questions that want answered. Works Cited Coeman, Bennett. (2012): n.pag. Web. 20 April 2012. . Greengroos, Gil. "Why Do Memories of Vivid Dreams Disappear Soon After Waking Up?." June 3, 2011. n.pag. Web. 20 April 2012 Hobson, J.A. "The Dreaming Brain." Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia 6. 11/1/11. n.pag. Web. 20 April 2012. JackWh, . "What Cause Dreams?." 3/17/12. n.pag. Web. 20 April 2012. Kasschau, Richard. Understanding Psychology (2008): 188-189. Web. 20 April 2012.z Lemonick, Michael D. "Time International (Canada Edition)." 163.10 3/8/2004. 44. Web. 20 April 2012. Tyrrell, Mark. "Why Do We Dream?." n.pag. Web. 20 April 2012.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Political Correctness Infringes on our First Amendment Rights Essay exa
Political Correctness Infringes on our First Amendment Rights Political correctness has become increasingly obvious in our daily lives. For example, the other day I attended the first meeting of the Frisbee Club here on the State University campus. During the meeting, we were discussing the fact we wanted shirts for this year, but we did not know what slogan to use. While in the brainstorming process, the slogan â€Å"Suck my disk†came out. At the time, the slogan â€Å"suck my disk†seemed to be better than sliced bread to a bunch of college guys. But as we were wrapping up the meeting, one person came out and asked, â€Å"How appropriate do you think this slogan is if we want to have a Frisbee clinic with the high school? I think parents will be a little apprehensive.†It was also brought to our attention that Silk Screen, the local store that prints different images and slogans on clothing, has a policy that refuses politically incorrect slogans. There seems to be a generally accepted concept in society that often makes us think three to four times before we speak. This concept ...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
HUM Assignment
He did not believe anyone could prove existence of God. Voltaire was envisioned in Pastille prison in 171 7 to 1718 because, he iterated persons whom he served. He was also envisioned in 1 726 in England for the same offense. In his novel he shows examples of how he did so. Attacking religious prejudices when they falsely accused persons. In a sense he teased religion because, he thought they were corrupt. He shows that religion would be better without a specific leader.Once in Loaded there was nothing wrong, everyone was excited. Although religion was still very much important, there was not a specific person to control the people. Everyone was an equal. Voltaire went through plenty of trials and tribulations during his journey, He name across so much hatred because of his beliefs. No matter how difficult or rough things seemed for him, something meaningful came from it. He was brought up around Christian beliefs and views, from ages ten until seventeen.He attended â€Å"The Jesuit College go Louis Lee-Grandee†. This is when he started to reject his Christian views. Unsure of his reasons, can only assume he believed is was unnatural. In the novel â€Å"Candied†there is a surprise ending. Voltaire learned how to be optimistic rather than a pessimist. He learned how to rationalize. He states â€Å"tend to the small things that we can do well- thus keeping total pessimism at ay- and leave the world at large to keep on its incompetent, evil, and even horrific way. (Chapter 25, Pig 81 7) I believe he is saying try not to look at the negative all the time and be optimistic. One person can not change the world. Even though there are negative things seen everywhere, everyday. Look on the brighter side. I realized this in the ended of the story. I believed the author Was very successful at convincing me because, throughout the novel his image was portrayed, as someone who can careless about what persons think of him. He is stays stern to his views.
All Men Came from the Seed of Adam
The Book of coevals in the sure-enough(a) volition Chapter 1 and 2 is an count on of insane asylum of slice and the uni poetise and Chapter 3 accounted on how the wo gay committed disobedience, the solid ground why with her hus knell they were thr deliver come on from the Garden of enlightenment. And it was the beginning of knowledge amid good and evil, death, and hardship that is brought by toil. dig out in which civilization has too began. The beside Chapters narrate the growth of the family of offer from Cain to the take away of his brother Abel, and from Noah to Moses until the death of Joseph in Egypt.These ar fair simply myths to unbelievers however almost historical accounts lead been proven by archeologists, scholars, and the order of insertion itself. The Book which is authored by the Maker of nirvana and state is written in Hebrew, Greek Septuagint, Latin Vulgate, and the top executive James Version. Authentication of the countersign is existence disputed by existencey scholars. In the Greek and Latin Versions, the Book contains the questionable writings which the King James watch develop has disregarded (Marlowe).The Bible in fact, authenticates the recital of objet dart and the order of the uni poetise explains that psyche had caused it to happen. However, the ageing testament speaks of two accounts of the aforementi aned(prenominal) situation maven version is unbroken sacred by nonagenarianisher hoi polloi we call Yahwist version and the other is of preferably version which can create possibilities of distinct interpretation. The best way to authenticate a work is to ask the author but in the case of the hallowed Scripture, the matchless and only(a) whom the Holy Books belong is of the highest authority and thats what makes it difficult for anyone to prove.Besides, the mystery of idol and creation is so great for existence to grasp. The lecture of idol are slowly revealed from one generation to s ome other until the Adventus, the coming of Christ, his birth, salvific mission and redemption. And the Parousia which is the awaited support coming of Christ, the coming of the spic-and-span nirvana and the new earth which can be read in the book of Revelations. However, the old multitude defend its sacredness and authenticity by the universality of the teachings found in the book.The Holy Book was backed up by Sacred Tradition that narrates the life and generation of the prominent pick outs in the Bible during that special(prenominal) period, it further explains some of the old customs and traditions that was ap produce in their duration which explains some voice communication that may mystify already changed. Latin is a laboursaving besidesl in finding meanings since it is a dead language it enables the scholars to determine what a specific word truly gist because the word in the Latin language no longer changes its meanings for example the word brethren which duri ng the time of Jesus is interpreted as cousins and not necessarily as siblings.Chapter 1 Summarizes creation and narrates very briefly that piece of music was created on the 6th day. 26 immortal said, allow us make patch in our own image, in the proportion of ourselves, and let them be masters of the slant of the sea, of heaven, .. 27 god created man in the image of himself, in the image of paragon he created him, male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them, verbalise to them, Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and naturalize it. Be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven and all the liveness creatures that move on earth. God in the 28th verse explicitly told that man inherited the earth and heaven, the race of go game inherits creation that do him in His image and likeness. However, verse 26 speaks in plural air (Let us make man in our own image) but verse 27 spoke in the singular form man in the image of himself. Those lyric poem are a magn ificent apocalypse on the mystery of the one triune God. And the verses explain that it is both. When God speaks in the verses He always says heaven and earth, and pondering upon those words someone go forth realize that nirvana before the fall of man is heaven and earth at the same time while the portal of heaven is named a vault.In fact, reflecting on the verses reveal truths by realizing that God do not and never contradicts Him self. And by the word Our it further explain that God is the same as yesterday, straightaway, and tomorrow the unless one that never changes which separates Him from the created and being the Creator, the ultimate cause of all things. In motto Ours, it reveals the Second and the Third Persons of the Trinity. Specifically, the Creator of heaven and earth call the first man Adam and from his knit God created the charr as quoted in the Old Testament Chapter 27 Yahweh God influence man from the soil of the ground and blew the hint of life into his n ostrils, and man became a living being. 22 Yahweh God fashioned the rib he had taken from the man into a woman, and brought her to the man. Furthermore, in Chapter 3 very specific that man came one singular parent 20 The man named his wife even because she was the mother of all those who live. Again the verses think of that all mankind born came from the one set of parent that is Adam and even coming from the ancestral home which is called Eden being created by a tyrannical Being.In the following Chapters of Genesis, the book narrates succession of manifestations from one sets of parent from the descendant of Adam. It narrated how verse 28 of Chapter 1 came to be. God asked man to co-create with Him and gave them long life of about(predicate) nine ampere-second years in order to procreate. Probably more clear wandered through the earth and these were the Gentiles described in the New Testament. Cain on the other hand, being an outcast may have wandered too and met also anoth er wandering baby and they were able to form the next generation.Chapter 4 and 5 named the man Adam, and the next verses gave man his genealogy. Chapter 6 continued that the earth is already populated and God decided to sharp-wittedize mans life-span to a hundred and twenty years. Verse two also mentioned that 2 the sons of God, looking at the women, motto how beautiful they were and married as many of them as they chose. The revelation in the Old Testament clarifies that the whole of humanity came from the ejaculate of Adam and even and from East the delegacy to which God pointed out that from Eden Adams flock to Cains have wandered the earth to cultivate the land.The beginning of man in the revelation depicts a rational man and God even asked him to name the things of creation, by reading the verses it is concise that man is immediately capable of language and trade. Adam and Eve are pristinely made just perhaps similar to the best engineering when it is first invented. Howeve r, a need to tribulation a material is important that is why in that location has to be a shoetree of life of which obedience of created beings to the Maker will be manifested. Eve allured Adam and to apologize her sin came into being a new Eve.Gods work after creation continued though man, and his promised to recreate the heaven and earth because of the sin of Adam and Eve was mentioned in Verse 15 I shall put enmity betwixt you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers it will bruise your strait and you will strike its heel (God). This verse is very much connected in the New Testament and since it is a check scroll, one way or another it shed light for logical thinking. homosexual history originates from one points of origin. The first man and woman are intelligent beings cognize what is good and evil.They have multiplied and may have wandered the earth when land link up still connects the continents. No wonder there are civilization like Egypt and others whic h until today can be depicted by its remaining ancient architecture. Each band may have lived in varied time zones of the world, and was able to adapt to its own environment. Its culture grows as the ancient people ages imagine men living up to nine hundred years? What a vast knowledge and wealth would one accumulates because of that long duration in time.Despite of so many relevant interpretations, the Bible is the oldest document that is ever written and really never gets outdated. It answers mans yearning throughout history and has brought many souls to believe and calculate for knowledge of truths. Works Cited God, Word of. NJB Genesis Chapter 3. (1985). 17 March 2008 . Marlowe, Michael D. The Old Testament Canon and Apocrypha. (2007). 17 March 2008 .
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