Thursday, December 26, 2019
Strategic Position of Starbucks - Building a Sustainable Supply Chain Free Essay Example, 3000 words
The Bowman s strategy clock suggests that Starbucks falls under the category of Focused differentiation. This category is characterized by high price and high perceived value. Starbucks charge premium price for high quality coffee, unique ambience and customer experience. The high perceived value allows the company to build a strong brand awareness which acts as a competitive advantage for the company. The rival brands of Starbucks like Caf Nero and Dunkin Donuts fall under Differentiation and Hybrid category. Caf Nero has medium perceived value offered at a medium price, thus it follows a differentiation approach. On the other hand Dunkin Donuts falls under the hybrid category, which is characterized fair perceived quality at a lower price. Although Dunkin Donuts does not offer unique in-store experiences like Starbucks but it has captured consumer preference by product quality and competitive pricing (MarketLine, 2014). The perceptual map shown above highlights the relative posi tion of Starbucks based on two parameters, product quality and price. The graph suggests that Starbucks offers high product and service quality at a higher price than its competitors. The high product and service quality has allowed the company to enjoy the leadership position in the market. The graph shown above suggests that the company has incorporated an appealing aesthetics which offers the customers a unique Starbucks experience , thereby gaining higher preference from the niche customers. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Position of Starbucks - Building a Sustainable Supply Chain or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page This section discusses the external drivers and its affect the business of Starbucks by using PESTLE analysis.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Domestic Violence Against Women Is Not Only Physical And...
Domestic Violence against women is not only physical and sexual but leads to a path of psychological abuse. Women of all backgrounds including; race, age, religion, ethnicity, and class can be victims of domestic violence. Even though domestic violence is looked down upon in societies, it can be a difficult crime to punish. Men typically have the upper hand in a society; although, women have started to make their voices heard by standing up to their abusers and becoming more of a force in government policy making. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, â€Å"On average, 20 people per minute are victims of physical violence by an intimate partner in the United States.†As one can see all types of abuse occurs among each group of a society. Physical, sexual, and emotional abuse range over different levels of severity all being serious matters. Women can have a difficult time overcoming their abusive partners because of the severity the abuser can have on women’s emotional state. Although women can be batterers too, most of the time in a relationship the male is the predominate force of battering. There have been signs shown that males that batter have grown up in families that battering was accepted; therefore, they do not know how to treat their wives any differently (Wilson 18). This issue needs to be addressed through political change. Since the 1970s progress has been seen, but there is still much more to be accomplished in making women feel safe in their ownShow MoreRelatedViolence Against Women s Violence1553 Words  | 7 Pages Violence Against Women by Ines Alvarez Mrs. Madrell English 4, Honors, Period 6 Miami Coral Park Senior High School March 18,2016 Mrs. Madrell English 4, Honors, Period 6 Miami Coral Park Senior High School March 18,2016 Violence Against Women Women have been and continue to be victims of violence in all of its faces. The purpose of this research is to explore the many ways in which women are abused and mistreated, focusing on the effects that violence causes to the victimsRead MoreDifferent Types Of Domestic Violence1595 Words  | 7 Pagesidentify different types of domestic violence that exist within the American society as well as within other cultures. Domestic violence is defined as abuse that is caused by aggressive behaviors, generally towards a spouse or partner in an intimate relationship. There are different forms of domestic violence that occur to people on a daily basis, and this violence exist mostly amongst women, but does not exclude the fact that there are men that fall victim to domestic violence as well. Throughout thisRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Harassment1645 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Violence is an ever growing problem across the globe. In particular, violence against women is at an all time high. Although many cases of violence against women are reported, it is in statistical data that half of all cases are not reported. Some are not reported because of fears, relationship severances, and other unknown reasons. The main types of abuse on women are domestic and sexual harassment (Nosheen, 2011). Follow this paper carefully while it takes you on an expedition ofRead MoreThe Effects of Violence on Women Essay1662 Words  | 7 PagesThe Effects of Violence on Women Violence affects the lives of millions of women worldwide, in developing, as well as in developed countries. It cuts across cultural and religious barriers, restricting women from fully participating in society. Violence against women has many forms in which it comes in, from domestic abuse and rape to child marriages and female circumcision. All are violations of the most fundamentalRead MoreThe Effects Of Violence On Women s Violence1735 Words  | 7 Pages Effects of Violence against Women According to Violence Type by Ines Alvarez Mrs. Madrell English 4, Honors, Period 6 Miami Coral Park Senior High School March 18,2016 Mrs. Madrell English 4, Honors, Period 6 Miami Coral Park Senior High School March 18,2016 Violence against Women Women have been and continue to be victims of violence in all of its faces. The purpose of this research is to explore the many ways in which women are abused and mistreated, focusing on theRead MoreAn Urgent Issue in Our Society - Violence Against Women 1042 Words  | 5 PagesThe concept of violence might only represent a negative image. It refers to a set of radical human behaviors, for example, perpetrator would use physical force to hurt or kill people on purpose. Besides, the typology of violence in World Health Organization (WHO) has an explicit structure, which comprise physical, psychological, and sexual to families, partners, friends or strangers (). However, in this essay I shall focus on critically analyzing Farkhanda Younis’ story, which could reflect howRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Women966 Words  | 4 Pages Domestic Violence against Women Name Course Instructor Institution Date of submission Domestic Violence against Women Domestic violence is known in different ways, which are domestic abuse, intimate partner or battering. Domestic violence occurs in a relationship between intimate people. It can take many forms including sexual and physical abuse, threat of abuse and emotional. Domestic violence is mostly directed towards women, though men are abused but chances are minimal. Domestic violence happensRead MoreWomen And Domestic Violence : Lauren Lys Essay1699 Words  | 7 Pages Women and Domestic Violence Lauren Lys Eastern Michigan University Abstract Domestic violence, also called intimate partner violence, is a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence. Statically women are the victims of domestic violence; this has been happening for a long time. In 1994 Congress passed the Violence Against Women Act, for the first time providing recognitionRead MoreDomestic Violence : South Africa1709 Words  | 7 PagesDomestic Violence in South Africa Love is looked upon as a beautiful thing but within beauty lies darkness in South Africa. There is an unspoken violence against women going on within the communities of south Africa that is now coming to light; domestic violence. Husbands, not strangers or men with guns, are now the biggest threat to women in post-conflict South Africa, according to a report by the International Rescue Committee. Attacked beaten, abused, killed these are sometimes words to describeRead MoreThe International Context Of Violence Against Women Essay1089 Words  | 5 Pagesatrocities being perpetrated against women in various forms, combinations and modes. This volume highlights various aspects of domestic violence, dowry, exploitation in various ways besides teen dating, sexual slavery, rape and various other aspects besides the role of police in curbing this evil as the pillars of administration. It highlights the plight of women world over in the light of various studies on violence against women. It farther underscores the various aspects of violence with a focus on various
Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Information Systems Zodiac of Cycle Part Manufacturer
Question: Discuss about the Business Information Systems Zodiac Cycle Part Manufacturer. Answer: Introduction Business Information systems can be referred to the systems which are used by the businesses to improve their systems and the processes. These systems are also used to enhance the value of the business and help it to acquire, manufacture and deliver the goods and services in a better way. These systems help the organisation to take valuable decisions in the global fast changing world. There are numerous components like people, hardwares and softwares which works together in order to complete functions like planning, organising, controlling and for making decisions. The main purpose of this report is to discuss about the future IT needs of the company and how the company can meet the challenge of providing satisfaction to the stakeholders. Being hired as an IT consultant at Zodiac Cycle Part manufacturer, the decisions have to be made and consulted with the directors regarding Cloud computing option for small to medium enterprises. Importance of Information systems in todays business and trends of business environment which requires information systems In the present business environment, the information systems play an indispensible role. Information systems processes all the data and information of the business and manage the workflow of the company in an efficient way. It helps in minimising the errors and maximising the efficiency of work which helps company in fulfilling the goals and objectives of the company. It is important because it brings operational excellence and helps business in designing the offerings as per the customers. The present complex business environment needs information systems so that the stakeholders can be managed efficiently and more satisfaction can be gained (Nowduri, 2011). It has become a part of day to day operations of the business. The businesses invest in the information systems so that the tasks and targets can be completed properly. For e.g. the banks introduced ATMs so that their tasks can become easier and faster and they can serve their customers even better than before. It brings competitive advantage and improves the decision making of the company (Lipaj Davidavi?ien?, 2013). Business environment is changing constantly and its trends require business information systems for managing the current complex environment of business. There are trends in business environment which needs information systems. A new trend in business environment which is related to business environment includes cloud infrastructure, data collection automation, big data or Internet of Things. Cloud infrastructure is the model which is offered as a service to the companies and allows them to manage complex and large scale operations. The companies have to make payment for availing these services. Data collection automation is the latest trend where the information is collected online. This data will be used by the companies to identify the opportunities in the emerging markets and to meet competition (Bourheois, 2014). Internet of things can be understood as the interconnection between different computing devices which are used to manage data. Big data are the large sets of data which are used to analyse the data, trends or other patterns so that the future decisions can be taken. These latest trends help business to have a complete view of the data and information related to business (Shaughnessy, 2011). Management challenges in building, operating and maintaining information systems in Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Implementing information systems in the business is not easy. It needs lot of funds and also efforts especially when the organisation is smalls scale and does not have much expertise to implement Business information systems properly. Information systems are now a very important part for most of the businesses whether large or small scale as it provides many benefits but the management of the businesses in Small and medium sized organisations face challenges in building, operating and maintaining them (Zafar, et. al., 2015). The reasons behind this are many. The small and medium sized organisations lacks in expertise and talent which knows about the information systems and their operations. They lack in financial support and also in experience. The employees in small sale businesses move to the larger organisations when they find better opportunities. It becomes tough for the small sized enterprises to retain them as they cannot higher high salaries and better opportunities than larg e sized organisations (Singh, 2012). The employees of the small scale organisation also face a challenge when they need to adopt the changes in the systems. They face a challenge when they need to pay higher amounts for getting these services (Harding, 2013). Even if the services are bought, they face challenge in maintaining them as it requires good infrastructure. So, it is very difficult for the small and medium sized organisations to build up and maintain the information systems for better business and performance (Nowduri Al-Dossary, 2012). Cloud computing and types of cloud computing which can be used by ZCM Cloud services are the services delivered on demand over internet. The companies which use computer resources buy these services of networks rather than building its infrastructure in-house. These systems are used as per the requirement of the client for generating new applications, storing data or for managing data online. These services helps in cutting own the costs of the companies and hence, increases the profitability of the companies (Kumar Goudar, 2012). The services can be used individually or with the combination of in-house services. As per Candrlic (2013), there are three types of cloud computing which can be used by Zodiac Cycle Part Manufacturer are: IaaS PaaS SaaS The basic cloud service which provides the computer resources over the internet and it is suited for the companies who need cloud services for temporary projects or for experimenting. The customers pay for these services on the basis of their usage. It eliminates the expenses of the companies which are to be paid on setting hardwares and softwares (Juinor, 2016). This form of cloud service provides applications to the businesses on internet and the provider manages the hardwares and softwares on its own. This form of cloud services provide applications and are also called web based softwares which secures and the data of the companies and increases their performance (Juinor, 2016). My suggestion as an IT consultant would be that the organisations should consider their budgets and goals and then should choose from the available cloud computing services. The company should keep in mind that they should buy what is needed and should not pay for everything. Recommendations to implement successful cloud computing for SMEs Cloud computing has seen a considerable growth in recent years and the reasons for its adoption are that it is improves the overall performance of the organisation. But implementing cloud computing for SMEs is not an easy task. There are lot of challenges which hamper the implementation of the same. Huge investment is needed for adopting cloud and managing it. It is recommended that the small and medium sized enterprises should analyse their needs before purchasing the cloud services. The needs should be analysed to know what the actual need of the company is. The companies then need to identify the cloud providers in the market and the type of services they require (Posey, 2013). The business should make a plan so that it can manage the complex situations and the cloud services can be purchased as per the requirements. The companies should pay as per their usage and should notice whether their performance and efficiency has increased after the implementation of cloud computing systems or not. Cloud computing is adopted and implemented worldwide by many businesses. These businesses have identifies their requirements and gave a new direction to their business. For e.g. Companies like MediaMath have moved to cloud. Media math is a digital media buying platform which develops tools for the managers of marketing. It requires huge data every day and it creates complexity. To handle this complexity, the company turned to the cloud services to gain deeper insights and to bring innovation in its services. It has allowed the company to perform better than before. Another example can be taken of Etsy, which is an ecommerce site which offers home made products. The comp any migrated to cloud to bring cost efficiency. The company has taken help from BIG Data to analyse data and take decisions in future. Conclusion It can be concluded that Cloud computing has become an important part of the businesses irrespective of their size and transactions. The companies are using cloud because it simplifies the processes and bring cost efficiency. Proper planning should be done before implementation the cloud services to identify its usage to the company. It is also seen that the small and medium sized enterprises are facing challenges in implementing cloud as they lack in experience, taken and funds to implement it successfully. It is concluded that ZCM should plan first and then buy the services. They should pay as per their usage which would control their cost and will maintain an overall efficiency of the business. References Allouche, G 2013, 7 Well-Known Companies Who Have Moved to the Cloud, Smart Data Collective. Bourheois, D T 2014, Information Systems for Business and Beyond, The Saylor Academy. Candrlic, G 2013, Cloud Computing Types of Cloud, GlobalDots. Harding, C 2013, Cloud computing for small businesses: it's time to follow the herd, The guardian. Juinor, R M 2016, Cloud computing News, IBM. Kumar, S Goudar, R H 2012, Cloud Computing Research Issues, Challenges, Architecture, Platforms and Applications: A Survey, International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, Vol. 1, No. 4. Lipaj, D Davidavi?ien?, V 2013, Influence of Information Systems on business performance, ScienceFuture of Lithuania/MokslasLietuvos Ateitis, 5.1 (2013): 38-45. Nowduri, S Al-Dossary, S 2012, Management Information Systems and Its Support to Sustainable Small and Medium Enterprises, International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 7, No. 19. Nowduri, S 2011, Management information systems and business decision making: review, analysis, and recommendations, Journal of Management and Marketing Research. Posey, B 2013, To cloud or not to cloud: What's your cloud migration strategy?, Search Cloud Computing. Shaughnessy, H 2011, The 10 Most Important Trends in Business, Forbes. Singh, N P, Molokov, D, Lechshak, S Kuspanov, A 2012, Information systems in small and medium enterprises in Republic of Kazakhstan, African Journal of Business Management Vol.6 (23), pp. 7042-7052. Zafar, A, Almaleh, A I, Alshahri, S, Alqahtani, S S Alqahtani, N D 2015, Role of Information Systems in KSA Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 5
Monday, December 2, 2019
Twelfth Night
Twelfth Night various plots and how they are int Essay er linked If the play was based upon one single plot, Twelfth Night would not have been as it is. It is the linking of the various plots that really completes the whole story and brings out the nature of the characters and the connection between them. The play starts with a major plot, Orsino wooing Olivia. Orsino has been asking Olivia to accept his love, but Olivia refuses it. To woo Olivia, Orsino sends messengers to speak on behalf of him. This is the reason why Viola is dragged in the middle of this plot. After being shipwrecked, Viola thinks that her twin brother Sebastian is dead. So in order to survive, she goes to work for the Duke. Orsino favors Viola (who is disguised as a male; Cesario) and sends her as a messenger to Olivia. We will write a custom essay on Twelfth Night various plots and how they are int specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now If Orsino had not sent Viola as a messenger to Olivia, Olivia would have never fallen in love with Viola (thinking she was a male). Since Olivia decided to pursue her love she mistakenly goes and marries Sebastian. This is the main reason why Viola gets to meet her brother again. Sebastian and Viola looking for each other is an under plot. And it is because of the major plot this plot took place. This is how these two plots are interlinked. If one had not taken place, the results would not have been as effective as it is. Another major plot is the trick played on Malvolio by Maria. This is not directly connected to the major plot, but one thing that made the trick easier was of its connection to one of the characters involved in the major plot. Malvolio believed Olivia loved him. This fact is what the plot is based on. Malvolio is made into a fool by forging a letter from Olivia and Malvolio being arrogant believes the letter. This plot perfectly brings out everyones true character. The locking up of Malvolio in the dark room and Feste disguising himself as Sir Topas has no connection to the major plot. This plot leads to the marriage of Maria and Sir Toby and the plot has its significance in the play on its own. How ever, Shakespeare has not secluded the whole plot from the play. We find a lot of connection between the characters in the se two plots. It is actually what this plot does. The plot whish has more connections to the major plot is when Sir Toby and Fabian stirs up the fight between Viola and Sir Andrew. The reason is strongly linked to the major plot. Sir Andrew is in love with Olivia and when he notices Olivia paying more attention to Viola, Sir Andrew feels jealous. Tugging at this jealousy, Sir Toby and Fabian encourages Sir Andrew to fight Viola. This fight leads to Viola to believe that Sebastian is alive. This contributes to the under plot. The various love themes are the major contributions to the plots. Without these love plots, the major plot and the under plots would not have been connected this strongly. Every plot is connected to each other very effectively. In one way or the other, each incident or dialogue is linked and this is what completes the play.
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