Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Ending of White Minority and Nelson Mandela Essay
The Ending of White Minority and Nelson Mandela In 1948, the Apartheid system officially started. A Dr. Malan introduced it. He established the structure of Apartheid because he exclaimed different races could not live amongst each other in harmony and needed to live separately. Some might argue it was because he wanted to secure the supposed superiority of the White minority. It ended within 50 year of starting. This essay is going to explain how Nelson Mandela, once just a member of a small Black tribe in the depth of South Africa, fought Apartheid to become a worldwide figurehead for non- Whites, the first Black president of South Africa, in 1994. It will also explain to what extent his†¦show more content†¦Drastic times lead to drastic measures, so Mandela sought temporary refuge in neighbouring countries, ruled by Blacks to set up militia groups. Mandela study military tactics for a long time and used that knowledge to train his group to sabotage electricity supplies for White neighbourhoods, strike government buildings and cause a general disruption for the Whites. But in 1962, on Mandela’s return to South Africa, he was arrested. This is a key factor in which opinion disagrees with Mandela solely ending Apartheid. When arrested he was sent to a high security prison on Robben Island, off the coastline of South Africa, for 26 years. Although, in response, others feel Mandela was a figurehead who inspired other Blacks to fight for their cause. Also he receives credibility for the awareness around the world at the time. After Mandela’s release he became president of South Africa in 1994, and with help from his White deputy, de Klark, managed to dismantle the Apartheid state. When Mandela took refuge it was at a time when a trend swept across the continent of Africa. During the late 50s and throughout the 60s, the White colonies that ruled over 30 countries in Africa gave independence to the Black peoples of the countries. This allowed Black people to govern themselves. The trend seamed to spread from North to South-Africa from Libya, in the North in 1951 through to EgyptShow MoreRelatedNelson Mandela and Apartheid Essay1107 Words  | 5 Pagesdivision between white and colored people, for South Africans has always been a big issue. The man who stopped difficult ways of life for people and communities in South Africa was also their president, Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela was a man who put his life on the line to bring people together. He was involved with organizations that would eventually help to end apartheid throughout his life and lead countless amounts of peaceful acts that put an end to this divide. Mandela was even arrestedRead MoreWha t a hero is1160 Words  | 5 Pagesdefinitely comes to mind. 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