Sunday, May 24, 2020
What Is Your First Recollection Of Race - 964 Words
What is your first recollection of race? of racism? My first time I became aware of my race is the day I experienced racism. I must have been in the 1st or 2nd grade and I had two friends, Tiffany and Jaqueline. Tiffany was Aftrican American and Caucasion and Jaqueline was Asian American. One day Jaqueline asked me if I would come over to her house after school to play with her and I said I had to ask my mom. After convincing my mom, she drove me to Jquelines house and Jaquealine met us at her door. My mom was still skeptical because I had never been to her house and out parents had no actually met. So she asked Jaqueline to go get her mom and she did. I remember her mother s face plain as day, she looked quite thrown off guard. But after a bit, my mother left and Jaqueline and I had a great time playing with her toys and her mother made us something to eat. After a few, my mom came to pick me up. The next day all three of us were playing and Jaqueline says to me my mom said that you couldn t come over anymore because you were black. I was thrown for a complete loop! I really could not understand what that meant. My parents never spoke to us about race up until that point. And I remember my exact words, I m not black. Tiffany told me that I was and she said that she was half black. I mean, I was just completely unaware to the world of race. The really weird thing is, Jaqueline asked me another day to come over to her house and I said I thought you said your momShow MoreRelatedDiabetes : Symptoms And Treatment Of Diabetes1058 Words  | 5 Pagesself-care behaviors, including diet and physical activity. As of 2014, there are 29.1 million people in the world that are diagnosed with diabetes. (2014 National Diabetes Statistics Report) Diabetes is a disease that affects how your body produces insulin, which then affects your blood sugar. There are two types of diabetes. 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